Monday, January 25, 2010

Veterinarian's Oath

Veterinarian’s Oath
Being admitted
to the profession of Veterinary Medicine,
I solemnly swear
to use my scientific knowledge and skills
for the benefit of society
through the protection of animal health,
the relief of animal suffering,
the conservation of livestock resources,
the promotion of public health,
and the advancement of knowledge
in Veterinary Science.
I shall practice my profession
conscientiously, with dignity,
and in keeping with the principles
of Veterinary Medical ethics.
I accept as a lifelong obligation
the continuous improvement
of my professional knowledge
And competence.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I.V.B.P. Staffs, AUNDH, PUNE-7. M.S., India

Front left Mrs.S.D.Naik, Dr.Sadhana Firke S.,Dr.Madhuri Dharmadhikari,Dr.Anju Deshpande,Dr.Shubhangi Gavkare, Dr.Kalpana Kargaonkar, Dr. Sunanda Gavali
Back left Mr. Pradeep Desai, Dr.S.N. Singh, Dr. Shantanu Saoji, Dr. Rishendra Verma, Dr K.R. Shingal,Dr.V.G.Phalak, Mr.R.M. Bobade, Dr.D.N. Shinde, Dr. Y.S.Badhe

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Internal Training arranged at IVBP, Pune-7

Officers ACAH, LDO, Lab. Technicians and staff of IVBP, Aundh, Pune - 411 007

Internal Training arranged at IVBP on 5.01.2010

Officers ACAH, LDO, Lab Technicians and staff of IVBP, Aundh, Pune- 411 007 (MS)

Dr.K.R.Shingal Addl. Charge JCAH, I.V.B.P.Aundh,Pune (MS) and Dr. V.G. Phalak, DCAH (T&Qc)

Left : Dr. K. R. Shingal
Right : Dr. V. G. Phalak

Delivered the technical lectures to the technical officers and staff of IVBP, Pune-7 on 05.01.2010. The topicas were :
1. Importance of GMOP and GLP in vaccine production
2. Quality record maintainance for vaccine production labs

Saturday, January 2, 2010


DR.K.R.Shingal Date 25/12/2009

Devotion, Duty, Deterination, Dedication, Discipline.